A Soldiers News Blog
Wednesday, November 30, 2005

News and Highlights

Traumatic Injury Insurance Payment Forms Now Available:

The Department of Veterans Affairs Office of Service Member Group Life Insurance has recently released the form that MUST be filled out for severely injured service members to qualify for payment under the newly created Traumatic Injury Protection (TSGLI) program.

To Download the Application Form (with instructions) Click here.

For a detailed presentation on the Traumatic Injury Insurance program and eligibility requirements Go here


Veterans' Day Message from the Chairman of the Senate Veterans Affairs Committee

By U.S. Senator Larry Craig

"... I later met with three younger veterans, all in their early 20s, who also made me proud to be an American, and who put another lump in my throat.

Ryan Kelly, from Prescott, Arizona, lost a leg in Iraq. Heath Calhoun, from Clarksville, Tennessee, lost both of his legs. Jeremy Feldbusch from Latrobe, Pennsylvania, lost his sight. They explained the financial difficulties they faced with long recuperation times, and wives and family members who gave up jobs to be near them as they were in hospital rehab.

They sought legislation not to help themselves, but to help others. I was inspired by their courage and selflessness. Only a few weeks later, Congress approved legislation I authored, which will provide anywhere from $25,000 to $100,000 to our nation's "Wounded Warriors" to offset the costs families incur when they have to leave jobs and homes to be with loved ones who are recuperating at military hospitals."
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