A Soldiers News Blog
Saturday, April 23, 2005
Milbloggers et all

The Department of North Carolina: Veterans of Foreign Wars together with the Departments of Virginia, Delaware, Missouri and Wyoming are pleased to announce that our new Military WebCOM Video Conferencing Program for our soldiers and their families is ready for Beta Testing. Our program will enable a Solider and a significant other to communicate with audio/video via the Internet at no cost.

National VFW Commander John Furgess has offered to inaugurate the program by placing the first call to the troops.

What we need are volunteers presently stationed in Iraq or Afghanistan with the "right stuff" a computer, Internet connection , a web cam and the ability to be available today April 23 at 7:30pm Eastern Standard Time.

The VFW through programs like its Operation Uplink has always demonstrated its support in assisting military families in staying connected. This new Departmental program will only strengthen this dedicated effort.

If you can support our efforts or have any questions please e-mail vfwwebcom@gmail.com or call Ross Myers or Tara Sue Clark at (336) 235-2393. Thank you.

Yours in Service,

Ross Myers
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