Yahoo! News Photos - Iraq
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Iraq war photos 07-08-03
Yahoo! News Photos - Iraq
Yahoo! News Photos - Iraq Tue Jul 8, 1:19 PM ET | Prev. | Start | Next | 1 of 304 |
Email this slideshow | A man counts Iarqi dinar as he waits with others to fill their cans in the long gas lines, Tuesday, July 8, 2003, in Babylon City, 60 kms (38 miles) south of Baghdad, Iraq (news - web sites). Bickering and fighting at the lines at over crowded gas stations in the hot sun for the rationed fuel leads some station owners to have U.S. soldiers guard and maintain peace at the pumps. (AP Photo/Wally Santana) |
Yahoo! News Photos - Iraq
spliffs bader ( has sent you a news slideshow Personal message:
Yahoo! News Photos - Iraq
Yahoo! News Photos - Iraq Sun Jul 6, 6:55 PM ET | Prev. | Start | Next | 1 of 292 |
Email this slideshow | An Iraqi youth with his head and face covered in a keffiyeh to protect him from the sun, walks past US soldiers shopping for provisions at a super market in Ramadi.(AFP/Karim Sahib) |