A Soldiers News Blog
Friday, February 11, 2005
Blckfive asks for our help
Hi MilBlogs and Friends-

Eason Jordan, the Chief News Executive of CNN recently made statements

at the World Economic Forum in Davos, where he accused American

servicemen of intentionally targeting and killing journalists in Iraq.

These are serious charges that should not have been made without

supporting evidence, which he did not provide.

American servicemen and women are risking their lives daily and it is

wholly inappropriate for a man of his stature and influence to make

baseless claims in front of an international audience. As an

experienced journalist, he fully understands the impact of his words

and the effects on his audience. Mr. Jordan has a past history of

making such statements.

I would request that you take a look at this issue which I believe the

MilBloggers and their supporters would have an interest in helping.

Easongate ( http://www.easongate.com ) has been created by some former

military men to gather signatures and engage CNN in order to create

change in

irresponsible media.

Our hope is that CNN will launch an investigation into Mr. Jordan's

past and recent history, and take appropriate action. We hope to

provide the means for the public to place pressure on CNN to act.

We need your help.

Please forward the EasonGate Petition (


) to your readers. Conservatively, we need 100,000 signatures to make

attract the attention of CNN's advertisers.

Any help is appreciated. We've got a lot of things in the works to

move this issue ahead in the media. Also, NZ Bear is listing the

blogs that refer to EasonGate -

http://www.truthlaidbear.com/easongate.php .

Be sure to send me a link if you write about EasonGate.

Please don't hesitate to contact me if you have any questions.





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